The Water’s Edge
My Water’s Edge project takes me on a journey from river sources, ponds and lakes to estuaries and the sea.
I notice in small details how seasons, geology, slope and tidal ebb and flow, create patterns in micro that often mirror the macro of major rivers, lakes and sea shores and how the water effects structures in its path.
Inspired by the writing of Henry David Thoreau and Rachel Carson to love the beauty of small spaces; I have been fortunate to visit Thoreau’s Walden Pond and Carson’s Sea Shore in Massachussetts and Maine.
Beauty in miniature.


A Diamond in the Pond

The Frozen Pond

The Uncurling (Lilypad)

Jewels in the Pond

The Lily Pad

Lilies and Reeds

Walden Pond

Reflections of Abernethy

Estuary Mud Bank


Rachel Carson's Sea Pool

Dingle Beach rocks

Dunstanburgh Cliffs

Sand planting

Glen Brittle Beach

A Study in Seashells and Weed

Seaweed and Lichen

Kimmeridge Beach (Wave cut platform)

Kimmeridge Beach 1

Kimmeridge Beach 2

Sand Patterns

Sand Pattern 1

Lichen patterns on Dunstanburgh beach

The Rusty Sewage Outflow Pipe

Beach wood

Beach Wood 2